Benefits of Microsoft 365

Microsoft is one of the leading companies in the tech industries. Being present for more than three decades, with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as one of their most popular products, Microsoft came up with Microsoft 365, previously known as Office 365. It has two main differences compared to the old bundles that they used to offer.

First, Microsoft 365 is licensed as a monthly or annual subscription rather than as a perpetual license. Second, it combines a suite of online services, including business-class email, cloud file storage, and secure communication tools along with the traditional desktop apps. Because it’s a subscription offering, those desktop programs are updated automatically when a new version is available.

In this article, we will be sharing with you some of the benefits of Microsoft 365 which you can avail from any IT service providers in Australia.

  1. Agile Working

Since the program is purely cloud-based, you will be able to access your emails, files, and other Microsoft programs anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. In fact, if your plan includes the desktop version, then you can install the program up to five devices.

This is perfect for companies who have employees who work remotely, assigned in multiple locations, or who travel often.

  1. Promotes Collaboration

Companies require multiple collaboration for their operations. If you and your team need to work on the same document, then you can edit one live file and reflect all the changes real time. This is better than having multiple versions of a document being passed around.

Additionally, Microsoft 365 has a collaborative program called Microsoft Teams. It offers unified communications, HD video conferencing, and instant messaging for Microsoft 365 subscribers in an organization, along with a team-and-channel-based architecture that covers much of the same feature set as alternatives like Slack.

  1. Access to the Latest Programs

Back in the day, you will have to pay every time there is an update for the different programs of Microsoft. But since Microsoft 365 is a subscription-based program there is no need for you to worry about those outdated office programs.

With an active subscription, all your programs will be updated automatically, and for free. So there won’t be a need for you to uninstall the old version just so you can install the update one. And with the constant updates that Microsoft does for their tech, you will have access to all of them.

  1. Customizable Plans

In every organization, each employee only uses certain programs. With Microsoft 365, you can customize your organization’s plan and just get the ones that you will be using. In that way, you will not be spending on programs that will never be beneficial or used in your organization. This could help cut the cost of your organization as well.

With the pandemic situation that we are experiencing, having a cloud-based program that will promote work and cost efficiency is highly recommended. If you are not yet sure about it, you can always approach IT service providers in Australia. One of these companies is CMSIT. If you’re interested to find out more about the plans and benefits of Microsoft 365, you may contact us via our Contact Us page.