Best Practices for SEO – Long-Form Content

Do you find writing blogs and other long-form contents for your website tedious and time-consuming? Do you think that people do not even read these blogs? As you go through this post, hopefully you realize that those blogs and long-form content that you’ve been meaning to avoid will actually help you and your website.

Long-form content will help the performance of your website’s search engine optimization. These are not just random content that you just come up with as these should be beneficial and should make sense to your readers.

The question now is how do you make your content more relevant to your users?

  1. Start with your keyword research.

Did you know that user behavior data heavily influences organic search ranking? Before writing your long-form content, you have to take the time and search for the best focus keyword on the topic that you want to write, while also considering lower competition keywords.

You can do your keyword research via Google’s Keyword Planner or just ask the SEO company that you are working with to provide it for you. These SEO companies would usually have tools on how to extract these keywords and will even provide you with the support that you need.

  • Have a good post title

Your post title, or sometime called as H1 Tag, can significantly impact your search engine ranking.

A good post title will allow search engines to better index your content. So, make sure that you consider the following when writing your title:

  • Be short and on point.
  • A clear idea of what the post is about.
  • Your target keyword should be present.
  • Include inbound and outbound links.

Prove to different search engines that your content is relevant by having links within your post that will be linking to a page within your website, or to other websites that will support your content.

Linking to other websites, or also known as backlinking, will show search engines that your content is relevant because it is related to other relevant contents. When doing so, you have to make sure that the websites you are linking too are also reliable.

  • Include your chosen multimedia.

Content marketing is not just about text. By adding images, entertaining videos, diagrams, and charts will make your content better. By doing so, you will be boosting the time users spend in your website and also reduce your website’s bounce rate.

Therefore, while writing your long-form content, try to add as many relevant multimedia as possible.

  •  Add your target keyword and related keywords

It is very important to include your focus keyword in the body of your content but try no to overdo things, so just make sure it’s there a few times.

By doing this, Google will understand your focus keyword is important while crawling your content.

Also, as mentioned earlier about your low competition keywords, this is the perfect time to include them so you can improve your ranking on those keywords.

With the items above, hopefully, you’ll be able to appreciate the importance of long form content. By doing it the right way, you will be able to improve your website’s performance, boost time spent on your site, reduce bounce rate, and improve keyword rankings.

If you’re interested to start on this but has zero to minimal knowledge about search engine optimization, you can always get in touch with SEO companies who can support you with your needs. A company like CMSIT can provide you a 360 SEO solution that will help you and your company. If you’re interested, you may visit our contact us page for more information.