Best Practices for SEO (Part 1)

If you search for keywords related to your website and you don’t show up in the top 10 search results or the first page, then you need to do something about it. Aside from paid search, the only way for you to improve this is via search engine optimization or SEO. Hubspot’s study says that 75% of searchers never go past the first page of search results – that’s why it’s important for any website to rank in the first page of any search results.

With numerous ways on how to rank higher on search engines, making sure that getting the basics right is important or else your chances of ranking on the 1st page is minimal. So here are some best SEO best practices that you or the SEO company that you hired can do.

User Intent and Content Alignment

Understanding your user’s intent when they are searching is any search engine’s priority. Those websites that rank on the first page of any search engines were able to meet their user’s intent. There are four types of user intent that you need to take note of:

1. Informational – when a user is looking for specific information

2. Navigational – when a user is searching for a specific website or app

3. Commercial – when a user is searching for a product using a specific category

4. Transactional – when a user shows intent of buying

So to have a fresh and quality content, make sure that your website’s content aligns with the search intent of your target audience.

Improve Your Site’s Page Speed

Have you noticed how some websites load fast while some takes quite some time before you see the content? If your site is taking a long time to load, not only will your users be frustrated and leave the site, but your rankings will drop too. To find out how your site’s speed, you can use Google’s own PageSpeed Insights. But if you’re not familiar on how to use it, you can always request for support from the SEO company that you hired to work on this.

One of the easiest things to do to improve your site’s speed is to optimize your images. But you may also enable browser caching, delete unnecessary plugins, reduce server response time, reduce the number of redirects, and minify CSS and JavaScript files.

So if you’re website is not showing up on the first page of a search result or is loading too slow, then I suggest you check your website’s content and site speed now to determine how they’re doing. If you’re not happy with how it’s current status and you don’t know how to improve it, then you can always hire

SEO companies to help you. Companies like CMSIT will provide you with the SEO support that you need. If you’re interested, you may visit our contact us page for more information.