IT Help Features Infographic on Browsing Tracking Activity and How to Keep Them in Check

Hopefully by now, we’ve all learned how to reinforce our approaches to ensuring that our online privacy remains secure and protected from prying eyes.  IT help and support professionals say this includes our logins, passwords and any other identifying information.  By now we know that this sensitive information should not be recklessly entered into any website whose legitimacy is not valid and genuine.

What about our other online information?  The ones we think don’t really matter like our wish lists, our Facebook likes and dislikes, our Pinterest pins, the blogs we regularly visit.  These kinds of online statistics seem unusable and innocent enough but in this day and age where information is the new currency, there are literally hundreds of companies that are making money out of selling your information and every day, their methods are getting more ingenious and sophisticated.

IT help and support experts believe that while we will be unable to completely stop the blatant data mining of our online information, there are steps we can take to guarantee that we at least limit the information they can collect.

Studyweb has come out with a very helpful infographic on who tracks your online habits and what you can do to limit the information that is available to them:

IT Help
(Credit to for the infographic)