How a Little IT Help Can Go a Long Way – How Personal Information can be Compromised

Nowadays, instant accessibility has almost become as urgent a necessity as breathing.  People want their information right at their fingertips.  Businesses all over the world utilize cloud computing in almost every key aspect of their operations.  While it is valid means of increasing productivity, efficiency and convenience, it is important to note that the risk of compromising sensitive and proprietary information is very real unless correct security measures are put into place.

Millions of people across the world back up their files every single day and each day, Google indexes thousands of backup drives that contain these files and archives them on networks or devices that are configured to act as public archives of data.  Now we all expect that there’s some measure of safety that keep our files protected from unwanted access, however that’s not altogether true.  If you do not correctly configure your device, the information you back up can be freely accessible online to anyone who knows how to get the information they need.


Saving and Storing Personal and Financial Information

Some individuals make unfortunate decision to scan and store copies of sales receipts into their computer.  These sales receipts often contains a person’s full name, home address, home and mobile numbers and credit card details along with the needed security code.  Over a course of time, credit card fraud and identity theft incidences have increased because people do not take the time to properly configure their devices.

Additionally, do not store credit card numbers as text files on your computer.  If you think you need IT help in figuring out how to keep information such as this safe from other prying eyes and remain locked except for you, get the IT help you need.  In the long run, you can be assured that your information, financial or otherwise, do not get accessed by those you do not intend to access them.


Protecting Portable Drives

Most homes and businesses have some form of portable drive that is used as a backup drive for family photos, movies, important documents and sometimes, third party information from clients, business partners and the likes.  Whilst it is a smart move to back up files onto a portable device that will then be connected to a network, ensure that proper security and safety measures are taken so that private information remain private.  Consult the experts, get as much IT help as possible in trying to understand how networks function and what steps can be taken to keep information secure despite being accessible.


Password Master List

It is never a good idea to have all your passwords saved in unencrypted, unsecured text file.  Furthermore, avoid using one password for all of your accounts.  Look to IT help on how to properly set up a password and what steps need to be taken to ensure your accounts remain safe.  Additionally, it would also be a good idea to get IT help in looking for alternative choices if you absolutely must have a copy of all your passwords in one place.

The security and safety of your proprietary information is your responsibility.  This responsibility is increased a hundred fold when you are tasked to also keep safe, client information.  There are a multitude of safety measures you can utilize, with or without IT help, that can ensure that information meant for your eyes only, stay that way.