CMSIT Office 365 Migration: Affordable Cloud Hosting on demand!

In computer speak a cloud server is a virtual server as opposed to a physical server running in a cloud computing environment.  The “cloud” here is just a metaphor for the Internet. A cloud server is a logical server that is built, hosted and delivered through a cloud computing platform over the Internet and can be retrieved remotely. Simply speaking cloud computing means storing and accessing your data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s own hard drive. Cloud servers have the same capabilities and functions as a typical server but are accessed from a cloud service provider. Office 365 offers full access to Office Applications and productivity services.

There are many benefits to moving your business to the cloud:

Rather than being hosted on one single instance of a physical server, hosting is delivered on a virtual partition which draws its resource such as disk space from a network of physical servers. If one server goes offline there is no effect on availability because the virtual servers will continue to pull resource from the remaining network of servers.

The physical servers are still housed within data centres and so it benefits from the security measures that those facilities implement to prevent people accessing or disrupting them on-site.

Resource is available in real time on demand and not limited to the physical capacity of one server. If the website needs extra resource from its hosting platform due to a spike in visitor traffic or application of new functionality, resource is accessed seamlessly.

Load balancing is software-based and can be instantly scalable to respond to changing demands.

Reasons to migrate to Office 365

  1. Physical Security- when you run Office 365 migration your files and systems will be hosted in undisclosed Microsoft data centers. This is important because having a non-disclosed facility prevents physical tampering or hacking.
  2. Data Encryption – Office 365 migration guarantees all your data is encrypted. Microsoft uses Bitlocker encryption on all storage servers. A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) over HTTP. SSL makes sure no one is able to read your data as it travels over the internet. A security layer called IRM is also applied over the documents.
  3. Information Privacy– with Office 365 migration your Information remains private. Other cloud platforms such as Facebook and Gmail platforms often crawl your data and use it to target ads to your disadvantage.
  4. Backup – When you run an Office 365 migration you are assured that all your data are backed up. Microsoft employs multiple layers of redundancy and backup. If you encounter glitches on your data, you can restore it.
  5. Strong Passwords and Verification– Protecting your digital identity is always important since it gives you access to all essential information. This is why Microsoft took stops in ensuring passwords are well-protected.
  6. Office 365 Termination– in cases a subscription has ended, one is automatically given a timeframe to retrieve data away after the terminated subscription. This ensures a smooth transition of data.

Office 365 provides your organization full access to Office Applications and a host of other productivity services which are enabled over the Internet through an affordable subscription plan.