Data Backup and Recovery – A Vital Part of Managed IT Services

Data Backup and Recovery – A Vital Part of Managed IT Services

However small or big your business is, there will be an accumulation of data every single day.  These accumulated data, both relevant and significant to your growth as a business need to be collected and stored properly and securely.  This is where data backup and recovery come in.  A crucial part of managed IT services, data backup and recovery ensures that your company’s accumulated data is safely collected and stored in a secure location.

Managed IT services is a compendium of computing services aimed at ensuring a company’s day to day core business activities do not suffer from unnecessary system breakdowns, operational downtimes and inaccessible or corrupted data.  The latter two issues can happen if there’s no proper data backup and recovery plan in place. Data loss is a real threat to a company’s productivity and seamless efficiency.  The only real solution is a proactive data backup and recovery procedure.  Ensure that this service is part of your overall managed IT services.

A strict back up schedule has to be set to ensure that all accumulated data within a set amount of time are correctly copied and archived for the purposes of restoration should data loss issues are encountered.  This back up schedule can be determined after a thorough assessment of your company’s day to day operations by your managed IT services partner.  Once the assessment has been done, a protocol for data backup can be written up.  This protocol could include the backup schedule, a comprehensive list or compilation of all backup media/devices. What this accomplishes is make accessing your backups secured without sacrificing accessibility.

When outsourcing your IT needs to your managed IT services partner, ensure that an audit is first done to determine which of the computing services is needed by your company the most.  Most IT experts recommend signing up for full managed IT services even and especially for small businesses.